Federica Wootton - Competing not only helps my career but also...

... also shows me what I am capable of if I put my mind to it...


Full Name: Federica Wootton

Age: 26
Federation: UKBFF / IFBB

Coach: Tony Naddeo

Where are you from: London

What is your occupation/work ?

Personal Trainer 

When did you start to compete and WHY?

I competed at the Kent Classic on the 25th August 2019.

I started competing because I wanted to learn more about myself. Self control and the ability to say “No” was something I always struggled with. Competing not only helps my career but also shows me what I am capable of if I put my mind to it. Also I love dressing up!

Have you done any other sports before?

I have always been very active but have never competed in another sport.

What was the reaction of your friends and family when you decided to compete?

The reaction from my friends and colleagues was mixed. Some were really excited and some were sceptical and negative.

I have only just managed to tell my family as I was worried they wouldn’t approve but luckily that wasn’t the case and my Mum is coming to watch me in my next show which makes me very happy.

Do you remember your first time on stage?

Vividly as it was only 4 weeks ago. It was a big mixture of nerves and excitement but I loved every second.

Bikini BKB by Bikini Mama - Fire colour

What changed since?

I have nothing to compare it to but if I have as much fun at the Brits than I did in Kent I will be very happy :)

Which did you competition you enjoy the most and why? N/a I have only done one competition so far and looking forward UKBFF Finals

What was / is your biggest success on stage or in personal life?

My biggest success on stage was just getting on stage. One of the reasons I didn’t continue a career in performing arts was because of stage fright.

Personal life... possibly the amount of careers I have had in my short life and how successful each individual one has been.


What do you think girls should know before they will hit the competition stage?

Prep isn’t easy so be carful. Spend time choosing the right coach and do your research. Be healthy and go with your gut instinct... if something feels wrong don’t do it.

Less is sometimes more so listen to your coach and trust the process. Buy some big cosy sweaters as you are going to be cold all the time! 

Who is your bikini idol?

There are so many I can’t choose! Most of the time I try not to compare myself to other bikini girls and just concentrate on self improvement.


How was your last prep and how did you manage your diet?

My first prep was tough as I was on 100% natural and unprocessed. (still am)

If you know how to cook and use flavour you will be find so educated yourself!

The diet was actually ok, my main struggle was evenings when all I wanted to do was snack. Prep is like strength training for your mind.

How often do you practice your posing ?

Not often enough (face palm)

Your favourite bikini colour? 

Fire colour combinations from you Bikini BKB by Bikini Mama

What is your next plans? 

I know I love competing but at the moment I am just concentrating on enjoying myself at the brits then see what happens.

Do you have any other hobbies outside work and gym? 

I part own a cocktail bar and kitchen so getting back there will be very exciting.

I also love singing and playing guitar.

Who you would like to say thank you or give a shout out? 

My wonderful partner Alan for putting up with me, helping meal prep, coming to the gym with and cheering me up when I get down... also for the one moment he slapped a Mars ice cream bar out of my hand.

Georgie for being such a supportive friend and the whole team at Little Mercies in Crouch End.

My Mum for being so encouraging and understanding.


Federica's beautiful transformation: