Becky West - about her competition journey over the years

I set myself a challenge and decided to just go for it. And here I am now still competing today...


Full Name:
Becky West

Age: 29 

Federation: 2 Bro’s Pro
 Events / IFBB NPC

Past Federations: UKUP, WBFF, MIAMI PRO, UKBFF

Coach: Katarina Kutmanova – AKA Bikini Mama

Where are you from: Nottingham - UK

What is your occupation/work ? I work as a Railway S&T Planner 30 Hours Per Week and Also a Personal Trainer around that job.

When did you start to compete and WHY? I started to Compete back in 2014/2015. I have always been physically active and been to the gym quite frequently. But, as time went on I started to see more muscle definition and my body start to change. It wasn’t until one night that me and my partner was sat on the sofa and randomly we just decided to go for it. From out of the blue my partner said “ Why don’t you do a competition” . I originally was a bit sceptical as I am very much a Tomboy and the idea of me Strutting my stuff in heels was funny. But, I said “ok, let’s do this”.

So I set myself a challenge and decided to just go for it. And here I am now still competing today.

Have you done any other sports before? I used to play Darts at a high standard. I represented my Country at the age of 16 at the WorldMasters and was a runner up.

I was bought up in a pub so from very young I have played various things such as : Darts, Pool, Football.

I used to Run for my district at 200m and Relay.

What was the reaction of your friends and family when you decided to compete? My partner was so supportive (as it was who both who decided to do this). If im honest my family wasn’t overly keen on the idea as they don’t see the love for the fitness industry as I do. But, my friends are brilliant. They will come and support my shows and totally understand what I am doing.

Do you remember your first time on stage? Yes, this was a very scary time.. I was so nervous and my first ever show was Miami Pro. With Audrey Kapio hosting this. I loved it and placed 4th in an International show also. I was very happy with this result being my first ever time on stage.

What changed since? Every time I step on stage I have more confidence and feel I look better than the time before.

Which competition did you enjoy the most and why? If I’m honest I have a few competitions I have really enjoyed but my most 2 favourite would have to be my Latest show 2Bros at Watford. This was ran so well, I was on stage early (which makes such a big difference as a competitor) and just felt great overall. My second favourite show would have to be UKUP at Bodypower. This again was ran so well, and made fun and very organised. Being organised as a show is very important as the less stress to cause your athletes is a big thing.

What was / is your biggest success on stage or in personal life ? My biggest success ever will have to be my daughter.. Carmen. She is my world and I do all of this for her to have a better life and to show her about chasing your dreams. But, biggest success on stage would be me Winning the 2Bro’s Show in June 2019 as this is 1 step closer now to me hopefully being able to achieve the PRO status card I have dreamed of.

What do you think girls should know before they will hit the competition stage? Anybody wanting to step on stage should know how hard mentally/physically and emotionally competing is. Your mindset needs to be 100% right and you need to know that the time is right. Social events will have to be missed and things put off or adapted to suit your Diet/Training. The effort you put in will show when you have your time to shine on stage. So if your not willing to give yourself 100% effort and dedication then wait until you are.

Who is your bikini idol? My bikini Idol would have to be Angelica Teixeira. Miss Olympia. She is absolutely beautiful and her body is Flawess. A Perfect look of how a bikini body should be represented. Great Muscle definition, not too hard her posing is on the next level. So elegant and effortless.

How was your last prep and how did you manage your diet? My last prep for my Competition was a shorter prep as I had a longer off season to improve on certain areas. This prep was very tough. I did a lot of Cardio Fasted and evening to help get my body fat to where it needed to be. I also had a very strict diet. I always prepped my food every morning for that coming day as I like my food as fresh as possible.

How often do you practice your posing ? I Practice my posing at the moment 2/3 times per week. But I do believe this is nowhere near enough and I will be practicing every time I train even if this is just 20 Minutes a time. Posing is just as important as your body because your confidence and stage presence can place you 1st over somebody who actually looks better body wise, but you can win the judges over with your stage presence.

Your favourite bikini colour? My favourite Bikini colour has to be Blue. I did love my Pink/Purple Ombre one but Blue seems to suit my body and hair colour a lot more.

What is your next plans? My next plans will be to compete in the Amatuer Olympia later on this year. I’m so excited about this as 2bros are excellent at hosting shows and very professional.

Then I will see what happens there to discuss with my coach and partner the next plan after those.

Do you have any other hobbies outside work and gym? No I don’t have any other hobbies as I don’t have time realistically to do anything else. Competing is more like a full time hobby and career I’m aiming to achieve. I love spending time with my little girl and partner and we go on long walks or bike rides. I do try to go Snowboarding once a year if I can as I love snowboarding.

Who you would like to say thank you or give a shout out? I would like to give a massive thankyou to my partner Lee Coulson. He is my absolute rock and has been there for me from day 1. He helps me with my training and motivates me when I’m feeling low. He is willing to sacrifice himself to come to watch my competitions and help support me in the build-up. It isn’t yjust yourself that goes trough the Prep for a competition I 100% think your partner goes through this tough time also.

I would also like to say a big thankyou to my Coach – Katarina Kutmanova (bikini mama) as she has also been there as not only a coach but a special friendship we have built up over the 2 years we have been together. She now understands me and my body, which is a very big and needed for planning changes etc. to diet/Training.

Big Thank you to Bailey Image for my Photo’s attached.