Full Name: Kateřina Jakubcova

Age: 39


Past Federations: UKBFF
Coach: Helen O’Reilly
Where are you from: originally from the Czech Republic but competing for the UK

What is your occupation/work ? Personal Trainer and a massage therapist.

Feel free to check my website www.kjpersonaltrainer.co.uk

When did you start to compete and WHY? Ultimate Beginners Stars of tomorrow 2017. I wanted to get six pack after having a baby. So I needed some kind of goal.

Have you done any other sports before? Gymnastics back in the Czech Republic

What was the reaction of your friends and family when you decided to compete? My partner was very supportive but my mum was really worried about me she thought I will be extremely muscular or too skinny she actually didn’t know much about it.

Do you remember your first time on stage? Oh yes definitely. I was shaking like a leaf. But the judges were really nice as it was everyone’s first time. It was absolutely amazing feeling to stand on the stage but terrifying at the same time. Because I wasn’t very confident person.

What changed since? I became 2x English Grand Prix Champion (2018 and 2019 - where I was rewarded a PRO CARD) therefore became IFBB PRO athlete.

Which did you competition you enjoy the most and why? Probably my recent one in Rome even though I placed 5th I absolutely loved the stage and for the first time I really started to believe in myself. Also I found few bikini friends. Yes you can definitely become friends (mainly back stage while you are waiting and then after the competition).

What was / is your biggest success on stage or in personal life? My first biggest success is my little boy. I am very proud mummy. Don’t get me wrong it’s very hard to be on prep, look after your little one and travel to the shows but he is my great motivation. And on the stage? I think every time I step on the stage I find it astonishing that I am still competing and now being amongst the PROS.

What do you think girls should know before they will hit the competition stage? I don’t think you can prepare for what is coming. But three things are extremely important: find yourself a GOOD coach who takes is seriously (I’ve been with my team since day 1 and my coach Helen replies to me within no time even if it’s late at night), secondly get your bikini right (that’s the fun part) because the right shape makes massive difference.

Who is your bikini or fitness idol? You know what it’s difficult to say because I look online daily and every time I find someone new. But I would say at the moment young girl Agne Kiviselg I love her facial expression and Iwalks.

How was your last prep and how did you manage your diet? I am just prepping for the IFBB Masters ELITE PRO World’s Championship and this is probably the hardest one because it’s so close to Christmas and everyone around me is having mince pies. And the only thing I can do right now is to bake them. Yes I am obsessed with baking while being on prep and closer to the competition I am I bake more. Lol

How often do you practice your posing ? If I am off-season not that often maybe once a week but if I am close to the competition every day.

Your favourite bikini colour? I’ve kept very similar colours throughout my competition time (red with little bit of black) but I think it’s time for a change.

Would you recommend us as bikini designer and why? 100%. I do recommend you to everyone I speak. Because you are reliable and fast. Especially with last minute alterations.

What is your next plans? After World’s I am going to bake and eat Czech Xmas cookies and reverse my diet. Possibly longer off season. My body needs to recover and gain some more muscles.

Do you have any other hobbies outside work and gym? Yes baking and spending time with my little boy.

Who you would like to say thank you or give a shout out? Definitely to my coach Helen (helenpanther) to my partner Tim Marsh for putting up with me during my grumpiness lol and my family for supporting me and being proud of me. And obviously to my friends and clients. They are all awesome.


Favourite quote: TRUST THE PROCESS. And positive vibes only.

Katerina's achievements:

3rd Ultimate Beginners Stars of Tomorrow
1x English Grand Prix Champion Masters Bikini
2nd British Finals


4th Diamond Cup Ostravar
1st English Grand Prix Championship - received my PRO card

5th Skopje North Macedonia
5th Rome