Kathryn Allen - PCA bikini athlete about her secret competition journey & 2020 competing plans

Kathryn Allen - PCA bikini athlete about her secret competition journey & 2020 competing plans

Full Name: Kathryn Allen
Age: 21
Federation: PCA/2bros
Past Federations: PCA
Coach: Jase (TEAM LRF)
Where are you from: Southend, Essex
What is your occupation/work ? 
I work as a part time Personal Trainer and also a Restaurant manager at a Lobster and Steak restaurant.
When did you start to compete and WHY?
I first competed in October 2019 at London PCA as a Bikini Junior. I have never really had a goal to achieve towards my passion for training and trained for the enjoyment and love I have for the sport. I then decided to put my love for training to an ultimate level and compete in my first bikini show.I wanted to prove to only myself that I was capable of achieving such an amazing experience to be able to step on stage and bring the best ‘me’ on the day. I wanted to prove to myself that I was capable of achieving anything once I’ve set my mind to it and be able to continue this progression for years to come.
I have never been one to just go for such a huge goal before but thought if I could go through a 16 week intense prep with many restrictions, I was able to go through anything that I may come across in the future.
Whether I placed or not in my first show was not my priority. I wanted to have fun, meet new people, experience such a mad journey but most of all have fun and bring my love for training one step further. Life is all about stepping out of your comfort zone in order to grow and become a better version of yourself. Competing bought this to me and I officially have the show bug. 
PCA First timer Kathryn Allen
Have you done any other sports before?
Throughout all my school years I played every sport they had to offer. From the age of 8, I played rugby, football and also was part of a dancing school. When I was in secondary school, I was part of the hockey team, netball team, football and also used the gym.As I left school at the age of 16, I joined my local gym straight away and developed my love for lifting. 
What was the reaction of your friends and family when you decided to compete?
I never actually told my friends or family within the first 8 weeks of my prep. As I explained in why I competed, I chose to step on stage for myself and not for the approval of anyone else. I decided to keep it quiet for the first half to be able to focus on myself and concentrate on the first half of my prep as I did not know what to expect. I wanted to be able to concentrate and focus on my training and diet without any distractions or negativity. As my show crept closer, I only told a small number of my friends that I was competing. I didn’t want a huge support group round me as it was a very important journey for me and wanted to be able to focus on everything to the best of my ability.
I actually stepped on stage without telling any of my family. I decided to not tell them as I wanted my first show to be a relaxed and memorable experience without there pressure! Not to say my family would not support me because they 100% would! But because I wanted to step on stage for myself only, i thought the less people that knew, the easier it would be for myself! But boy did I get a huge response from my friends and family! Everyone was so shocked that I had competed and had no idea! The word is now out because I am going for a few wins next year and would love for my friends and family to be able to see me on stage.
Do you remember your first time on stage?
To be honest not really! The amount of adrenaline that was rushing through me overtook everything that was for sure! I was like a tanned Bambi on ice! I did not know what to expect or how my nerves would be once upon stage but just went with the flow. 
What changed since?
My drive towards succeeding. I have realised if you really want something then you got to do everything you can possibly do in order to achieve your goals and dreams. Dreams do not become reality unless you grind hard for it. I am more eager and focused than ever to be able to better myself as a person and bring a better package on stage each time. It has opened my eyes to new possibilities and has given me more motivation to strive for the best and more. 
What was / is your biggest success on stage or in personal life ?
My biggest success in both on stage and in my personal life is that I was able to step out of my comfort zone all alone and achieve an amazing experience with no knowing of what to expect. Being able to do this opportunity for myself and taking the next huge jump in my life was one of the most scariest things I have ever done but one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced and can’t wait to do it all over again. Just bigger and better in 2020 and for all the years to come.
What do you think girls should know before they will hit the competition stage?
Any girl or boy who is looking to compete for the first time should just have fun and enjoy every moment of the experience because its such a crazy ride that you find yourself on. Its a mad but exciting day and every aspect should be enjoyed!
How was your last prep and how did you manage your diet?
My last prep was my first ever prep. It was 16 weeks and I prepped over Summer. It was not an easy prep but I love every moment. I lost 13kg throughout the whole process. It was not an easy 16 weeks and there was times where wanted to just eat countless Reeses but those are the days that count the most. I was on very high cardio everyday and my training was intense.
My diet was managed by a coach and was decreased slowly as the weeks went on. I love a routine and because of my two busy jobs, prep food was always a norm for me. I love living out of a tupperwear box and the food i was on, I thoroughly enjoyed. I had no need for temptation or the urge to cheat as I was enjoying my everyday foods.
How often do you practice your posing ?
To be honest, not enough. I practiced a lot more posing with a coach 8 weeks out but I wish I did more! But there will always be aspects of prep that will always need to be improved on. I am ow currently focusing on my posing a lot more on my off season and hopefully before my prep starts again next year, I will be more confident with this.
Your favourite bikini colour? 
BLUE! Bikini BKB by Bikini Mama. Especially as it was my first ever bikini! But more exciting bikinis to come for 2020 in different colours...
Kathryn - Fully crystallised PCA suit
What is your next plans? 
I have already booked 3 shows for next year in May and hoping to qualify for the finals in both PCA and 2bros. I will also compete at the end of the year too. For now I am embracing my offseason and eating to grow and training like mad! 
Who you would like to say thank you or give a shout out? 
I would love to say a huge thank you to my gym Stackhouse gym in Rayleigh as they were a huge support team for me. I also met Maresse and her partner Sammy who also helped me massively throughout my prep days. Maresse is now one of my closest friends and gave me belief in myself when times were hard and thought I couldn’t do it. Now we’re all prepping for shows next year and excited to continue the journey with my loved ones.
Thank you so much for reading!
I hope to hear from you soon and sort my gorgeous bikini ready for 2020!
Lots of love,
Kathryn Allen xxx