Full Name:Oksana Gribaite
Federation: 2Bros
Past Federations: noneCoach:@rubycherie.
coachingspecialist Where are you from:Lithuania
What is your occupation/work ? Design Coordinator/construction
When did you start to compete and WHY?
This was my first year! I wanted a challenge and a body I never had..
Have you done any other sports before? Running, ran a marathon and numerous other runs, but hated it!
What was the reaction of your friends and family when you decided to compete? Very supportive, no one doubted my ability to pull through!
Do you remember your first time on stage? This was my first time showcasing my body, I’ve bern on stage before acting, dancing, presenting shows etc. -it’s utterly different feeling when you’re there being judged dressed in a bikini:-))
What changed since? I miss the stage already, and it’s only bern couple of months!
What was / is your biggest success on stage or in personal life ?
So far this is hands down my biggest achievement
What do you think girls should know before they will hit the competition stage? How short the time on stage really is, that you may not for various reasons be in your best shape on the day...
Who is your bikini idol? Emily Hayden and Ramona Ziauberyte
How was your last prep and how did you manage your diet? It went much easier than I expected it to, but having said that I put in a lot of work 9 months prior to the competition. Only last 3 weeks were haaaaard for me...
How often do you practice your posing ? I practiced every day the last month, and couple times a week prior to that, wish I dod more!!
Your favourite bikini colour? I loved my black number, but for next year I’m definitely going bright coloured!
What is your next plans? Next year I’m planning to do 2Bros again and PCA in autumn/end of summer, and hopefully couple comps outside of UK
Do you have any other hobbies outside work and gym? I’m a passionate knitter :-)))) and love to cook
Who you would like to say thank you or give a shout out? My coach Ruby, even though she’s based in Australia and there’s massive time difference she was there for me all the time; my hubby-I don’t think I would have pulled through it without his encouragement and support; Kat for my bikini and kind words throughout, and my posing coach Alla Meyer for more than just posing tips :-))
Photo credits :@baileyimage and Oksana